Energy Management Systems

Here at Euro India consulting we help Companies – of all shapes and sizes – who need to act now to address the energy management system within their organizations. Whether to support commitments to achieve Net Zero; reduce energy security concerns; comply with national or regional legislation or supply chain demands; or simply to reduce exposure to increases in energy costs, corporations have the opportunity to meet the urgency of global climate change with measures that will both reduce energy consumption, cost and carbon footprint.

We as cosnsultants ,strategize with global companies to help formalize a plan for energy management that is doable now, to help them in the future with sustainability consulting. Understanding the source of their energy, the breakdown of what kind of energy is used, and their goals going forward related to energy use are all important topics we discuss with clients. In understanding energy management systems, it is important to conduct a facilities management audit to identify where there might be value and savings available by reduction of consumption or shifting to renewable energy sources.

Understand Energy Management Now for a Better Future.

Learn more about Energy Management Systems through Euro India consulting

At a global level we help multinational companies navigate various opportunities and strategies for successful energy management in their sustainability strategies. We identify key stakeholders and ensure engagement for strategic decisions and successful implementation of energy management plans. Our team develops and implements global programs and site specific procedures including employee training, required documentation and ISO certification readiness audits and gap analysis.

Our Services include:

Key results: