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Report identified environmental benefits from smart traffic management systems as being “highly compelling”, including significant reductions in congestion, and prioritising greener transport modes.   Reducing congestion through optimised traffic control will be the main driver Global savings

The iconic museum in Dubai has installed 21 units in parking bays, with stations connected to the Shabik mobile app that gives users endless access to the electric vehicle charging network.   The Museum of the Future

The Swedish city has been recognised for its proactive efforts to prepare for and mitigate climate-related hazards and joins the other hubs of Barcelona, Helsingborg, Manchester and Milan.   Malmö is working on a coastal protection strategy,

Kyra Appleby, global director for cities, states and regions for CDP, explains how the latest revisions to the CDP-ICLEI Track questionnaire can aid cities in disclosing urban climate action progress information that can be applied to other

The solar power programme will reduce costs for solar panel installation while the Community First Partnership will expand energy efficiency and renewable energy opportunities for environmental justice communities.   Dorchester: one of the areas that will benefit

The inventories will enable the cities to develop a suite of actions to incentivise more sustainable consumption in collaboration with people and businesses and pioneer new ways to measure emissions.   New York City is also signing

C40 is inviting creative multidisciplinary teams – including architects, developers, community groups and more – to compete to design and develop climate-friendly urban projects.   Izmir in Turkey is one of the participating cities The third edition

Steve Turner, director of the UK Cities Climate Investment Commission (CCIC), explains how the commission is seeking to close the funding gap in the UK to enable crucial green projects to go ahead, and considers the ways

The projects, spread across 13 countries, aim to create more sustainable, inclusive, and beautiful spaces in locations in the EU and will involve citizens in the green transition at the local level.   Stavanger in Norway is

Semtech and CitiLight have already connected one million streetlights across the Indian cities using the LoRaWan standard to deliver an energy-saving of 1.29 billion kilowatt-hours.   Smart streelighting often form the starting point for smart city roll-outs