ABI Research analysis found that smart city standards are key to unlocking the full potential but the standards ecosystem is still a diverse network and can be confusing.   With with proper cooperation, standards could be vital

Satna in Madhya Pradesh is working with Itron and Yokogawa India to use existing infrastructure to detect and prevent non-revenue water losses more easily and help with water demand fluctuations.   City of Satna will know when

According to the annual State of 5G report, despite the pandemic, 5G cities came online at a rate of nearly two per day globally, with the addition of 635 new 5G cities in 2021.   Majority of

The 60-storey Curv residential development is designed to utilise its own energy with sustainable outputs, operating in line with the Canadian city’s Greenest City Action Plan.   The 585-foot Curv is located at the highest point of

A drone flight over the City of Winchester witnessed the simultaneous integration and operation of a range of unmanned aerial systems technologies from a coalition of public and private sector providers.   Tynan said the Fly-In showed

Seoul will open virtual Seoul City Square and indoor event venues during the pilot programme with the project further expanding to key events, forums, and educational programmes run by the city government.   Real pictures of Seoul

The sustainable energy innovation engine will work with Banco Santander to support innovation in green energy across Europe and accelerate the development of its portfolio of start-ups.   InnoEnergy's portfolio companies could help to save 1.1G tons

euroindia April 29, 2022 0 Comments

Rubicon’s products to be installed in the City of Scranton’s entire solid waste and recycling fleet to digitise operations and use real-time data to drive greater efficiency.   Scranton will use data and insights to improve workflows

euroindia April 29, 2022 0 Comments

Selected cities will be invited to develop Climate City Contracts, which will include an overall plan for climate neutrality across all sectors such as energy, buildings, waste management and transport.   Cities are encouraged to work with

euroindia April 29, 2022 0 Comments

The consortium behind the UK project will explore how advanced digital technologies can aid decision-making when managing and balancing energy resources and assets.   Can digital twin technology help to better manage future electricity networks? A consortium