Corporate Restructuring

Market liberalisation, changing frameworks and values present increasing demands that companies have to face in the era of globalisation. The pressure to remain competitive has become permanent. In such times of rapid change corporate restructuring represents an opportunity to ensure long-term survival and growth. Through systematic optimisation of structure and processes potential improvements can be realised. By this means crises can be managed or even avoided.

Corporate restructuring may also have positive causes. It might be required by exceptional growth, which renders the organisational structure inadequate for the increased number of employees. Alternatively, restructuring may be required to maintain close contact with the clients. Corporate restructuring may target the whole company or be limited to parts of it.

For example, it could involve only the assets  and liabilities of corporations (portfolio restructuring), the capital structure (financial restructuring) or the organisational structure. We provide hands-on advice and a critical and independent professional opinion for our clients. We do not avoid delicate issues such as outsourcing, relocating at lower-cost locations or dismissals. No matter what issue we deal with, Euro India seeks out the best possible solution for our clients´ needs.

Our advice includes:

  • Independent business reviews (strategic, financial).
  • Identification of restructuring potentials, development of restructuring concepts and accompaniment of their implementation.
  • Controlling of restructuring.
  • Management of liquidity and/or personnel.
  • Identification of potential strategic investors partners.
  • Relocation of operations (e.g. manufacturing) to lower-cost sites.
  • Reorganisation of particular functions (e.g. sales, marketing, distribution).
  • Renegotiation of labour contracts to reduce overhead.
  • Renegotiation of corporate debt to reduce interest payments.
  • Sale of under-utilised assets (e.g. brands or patents).
  • Outsourcing of operations (e.g. payroll, technical support) to a more efficient third party.