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Once the technology launches later in the summer, the public and all relevant city departments will be able to access the same record through an online platform, providing clarity and transparency.   Reno is launching its Biggest

Seoul Metropolitan Government is aiming to replace old heating and cooling systems in public buildings with geothermal ones to help achieve carbon-neutrality by 2050.   SMG is introducing an eco-friendly geothermal energy system in public buildings The

Research identifies that the most successful cities balance regulation, incentives, innovation and accelerators and work in partnership with landlords, investors, developers and occupiers.   Cities must act now not wait for regulation when it comes to decarbonising

Systems aim to mitigate the effects of climate change and are linked to a smart water management hub which uses predictive weather technology to reduce the likelihood of localised flood risk ahead of storm events.   Systems

A raft of measures in the 2022-23 draft budget include creating new open space, protecting parks, progressing the Power Melbourne project and cutting emissions.   Melbourne has committed more than $26m to protect parks and gardens The

Leading organisations across the built environment are backing an initiative to develop a standard for verifying UK buildings as net zero carbon.   Buildings are directly responsible for around one quarter of carbon emitted by the UK

Seoul will open virtual Seoul City Square and indoor event venues during the pilot programme with the project further expanding to key events, forums, and educational programmes run by the city government.   Real pictures of Seoul

euroindia April 15, 2022 0 Comments

Climate action projects span solar roof installations on three City properties and deployment of $300,000 of air quality sensor equipment in the Texan city.   Approved proejcts help to progress Dallas' strategy to lower council's carbon footprint