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Research identifies that the most successful cities balance regulation, incentives, innovation and accelerators and work in partnership with landlords, investors, developers and occupiers.   Cities must act now not wait for regulation when it comes to decarbonising

It seeks to provide an in-depth overview of policy in seven jurisdictions around the world to help assess the impact on five key low-carbon emitting technologies.   Policy support for alternative hydrogen production is evident in jurisdictions

Framework recognises that achieving Toronto’s accelerated climate goals and targets will require collaborative action by the public, private and non-profit sectors at a scale and pace rarely seen before.   Toronto wants to ensure clear accountability and

Kyra Appleby, global director for cities, states and regions for CDP, explains how the latest revisions to the CDP-ICLEI Track questionnaire can aid cities in disclosing urban climate action progress information that can be applied to other

The inventories will enable the cities to develop a suite of actions to incentivise more sustainable consumption in collaboration with people and businesses and pioneer new ways to measure emissions.   New York City is also signing

The park area aims to deliver a community connection in a dense urban setting with a third of the area planted with 6,000-plus shrubs, perennials, climbers and trees, significant to indigenous culture, food, and medicine.   Part

David Stepanek, executive vice president, sales and chief transformation officer of Bristow, talks to Luke Antoniou about the way forward for advanced air mobility and what is required to gain acceptance from the public, regulators and local

A drone flight over the City of Winchester witnessed the simultaneous integration and operation of a range of unmanned aerial systems technologies from a coalition of public and private sector providers.   Tynan said the Fly-In showed

Seoul will open virtual Seoul City Square and indoor event venues during the pilot programme with the project further expanding to key events, forums, and educational programmes run by the city government.   Real pictures of Seoul

euroindia April 29, 2022 0 Comments

Selected cities will be invited to develop Climate City Contracts, which will include an overall plan for climate neutrality across all sectors such as energy, buildings, waste management and transport.   Cities are encouraged to work with