The Digital Cities Index 2022 report by Economist Impact found that involving citizens in the design of smart city schemes underpins meaningful inclusion.   Copenhagen scored well for use of digital technology to support urban sustainability Copenhagen

Now in their eighth year, IDC said the awards showed that after the peak of Covid waves, cities are focused on the next normal with increased adoption of digital, targeting socio-economic impact.   Singapore bagged six winners

Using the combined efforts of telcos, their customers and community groups, Singapore IMDA aims to provide digital connectivity to 30,000 individuals from vulnerable segments.   Telcos and their customers will help to address the digital divide Singapore

Research identifies that the most successful cities balance regulation, incentives, innovation and accelerators and work in partnership with landlords, investors, developers and occupiers.   Cities must act now not wait for regulation when it comes to decarbonising

euroindia September 13, 2021 0 Comments

Both cities will work closely together on new digital cooperation projects and policy sandboxes to create new economic opportunities for people and businesses.     Shenzhen and Singapore are building a digital bridge of connectivity